Artifacts: Game Boy Color

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LEGO Island 2 Design (Game Boy Color)

The design document for the Game Boy Color version of LEGO Island 2 featuring designs, mockups, story, and cut content for the game. The cut content includes minigames, a Rock Raiders themed area, …

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Script revisions and map images in Microsoft Excel for an early version of the Spaceport completely different from the final game. Please download the Excel file for the full content.

Castle Island (Later Version)

A Microsoft Excel document containing script and maps for the Castle Island section of the game. Please download the Excel file for the full content.

Dark Forest Scenes

Script revisions and map images in Microsoft Excel for the Dark Forest section of the game. Please download the Excel file for the full content.

Hotep's Tomb Scenes

A Microsoft Excel script and a layout for the Hotep’s Tomb section that was scrapped from the game. Please download the Excel file for the full content.

Jungle Scenes

A Microsoft Excel document containing script revisions for the Jungle section of the game, including a cut section from it. Please download the Excel file for the full content.

Wes Jenkins' Script Comments

Script revisions and notes by Wes Jenkins, Tim Green, and Crawfish Interactive.

LEGO Island Scenes Version 2 (Later Version)

An Excel document containing a series of script revisions and an early version of the map for the game, even including a skatepark. Please download the Excel file for the full content.